
Showing posts from March, 2023

Antiwar Suppression

    Antiwar voices have been suppressed since the early 1900s and a lot can be taken from that era to understand how antiwar voices still get suppressed today. War helps the economy boom in terms of jobs and weapon manufacturing and so it is no Suprise that the government would want to promote joining war efforts.      Back when the United States initiated the Gulf War, many people were against the war, Including foreign countries. Many people protested and held speeches, however many of them were suppressed. The gulf war inevitably started which led to thousands of civilian casualties and the beginning of the uprising of Iraqi government uprisings, eventually leading to the US invasion of Iraq shortly after 9/11 occurred.      Currently, The US has contributed many weapons and vehicle caches to Ukraine, despite the mass anti-war protest, hundreds of thousands of casualties have been discovered so far and if the US continues to contribute to the war, it will not stop rising any time so


   The internet is a global network of computers that can send and recieve data or info between other computers around the globe. It is decentralized which means that theres no central authority that controls or manages it. Instead, it's governed by a set of protocols and standards that ensure that all devices connected to the network can communicate. The beginning of the internet started in the 1960s when the Department of Defense created a research project called ARPANET. The project aimed at creating a decentralized communication network that could function normally as well as in the event of a nuclear attack. Over the next few decades, the technology behind internet kept evolving, and by the 1990s, it had become a powerful tool for communicating, commencing, and information sharing.     Today, the internet is used for a wide range of purposes. One of the most common being communication. People mostly use email and instant messaging as well as social media platforms and video co

Check on Government Power

    The right to check government power is prevalent in today's society arguably more than ever. With the newest shipment of weapons and vehicles to Ukraine, a lot of people are upset with the money being spent on foreign affairs with little to no relevance to the US, and that the government should start spending its money on current US events such as the Ohio chemical spill. This event not only relates to the ability to check government power, But the ability to dissent or disagree with the government, minority or majority, Both of which are protected and written as rights for all US citizens.     One of the most well-known ways the government allowed for checks on power is Checks and Balances, one of which being the Separation of Powers which divides the government into different branches, Allowing for clear and fair division of power among groups of elected officials. The branches consist of the Judicial branch, The executive branch, and the Legislative branch. By doing this the

Supreme Court

      The supreme court is the highest possible court of law in the United States, there's local, state, regional, federal, the list goes on. One thing I never knew about the supreme court is that it currently consists of nine justices, I always for the longest time though it was six, It makes sense that the highest court would have nine justices because it helps spread the power more evenly and prevents a sort of "dictator-ish" feel to the supreme court.     In 1789, Congress created the Judiciary Act, which established that the court would consist of 6 justices that would serve in court until they died, this seems like a controversial idea to have because it could lead to bias, People may age, but the opinions might not.     The Supreme court has also changed the number of seats 6 times over its existence so far, which means they probably have had issues with it for many years, currently it is at 9 court justices, and I feel that is a pretty good number, If there was an

Privacy and the 4th Amendment.

    Privacy is a very important issue that affects many, It is something we often take for granted, We have both more privacy then a lot of countries while also having a lot more privacy invasion then other countries, Search warrants render a lot of blank space between what is allowed and isn't, And even still, There are very questionable things that have happened which very clearly invoke that right, Yet nobody shows any disdain or concern.     One of the most prevalent issues is Facebook, I have been raised to be very conscious of my online footprint, even during the era of "Call of Duty lobbies". I feel my online footprint is not too hurtful to my person, however there are a lot of things like trackers that may purposely defame me due to the data it has found.     My mother uses facebook to post average things, woohoo my son graduated, I went on a vacation here, I went to see this movie blah blah, but it's concerning how little info is needed from those pictures to

Top 5 News Sources

    1. Social media       I tend to get most of my basic understanding of news through social media, the headliners are usually all I read however because I don't have a lot of trust for social media news sources unless its an actual news channel like NBC or Fox. It usually helps me determine the severity of the news as well, If I only see 1 or 2 sources, it may not be worth diving into the research of it, In this era of constant news and very fast spread of misinformation, Unless it's already been heavily researched and proven as a true and accurate news headline, I don't feel its worth my time.     2. Google     Whenever I feel that a news headline is spread more than average, I feel it could be important due to so many sources writing about it, At that point, I delve into googling a few news sources to look for key points and find out what other news sources may twist or lie about, I tread very lightly however because google also tends to bias the results to face only th