Privacy and the 4th Amendment.

    Privacy is a very important issue that affects many, It is something we often take for granted, We have both more privacy then a lot of countries while also having a lot more privacy invasion then other countries, Search warrants render a lot of blank space between what is allowed and isn't, And even still, There are very questionable things that have happened which very clearly invoke that right, Yet nobody shows any disdain or concern.

    One of the most prevalent issues is Facebook, I have been raised to be very conscious of my online footprint, even during the era of "Call of Duty lobbies". I feel my online footprint is not too hurtful to my person, however there are a lot of things like trackers that may purposely defame me due to the data it has found.

    My mother uses facebook to post average things, woohoo my son graduated, I went on a vacation here, I went to see this movie blah blah, but it's concerning how little info is needed from those pictures to create a whole portfolio of information, oh you saw this movie? You must like dramas, oh, you went on a vacation out of the US? You must like cruises, And the list goes on.

    The government is the main reason why the privacy breach is so prevalent, yet we also have to ask for help from them to stop it, the only true way to fix most of the issues is to be overly paranoid, turn off your phone whenever you don't use it or drive somewhere, Opt out of all social media, never post a tweet, a Instagram post, anything, Never share your phone number either, So in short the only true fix would be to set up a guideline for proper use of data mining, Instead of requiring warrants to ONLY search cars or houses, Add it for online searching as well, Unless proper suspicion is found, Data mining is not needed.


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