EOTO Summary

     In this EOTO, we discussed different communicative inventions used today in society, most common being the radio, The internet, and vinyl. A lot of these communicative inventions helped shape how society is able to spread news, entertain, and inform in a much more quick and brisk fashion.

    The vinyl recording technology started off with Thomas Edisons wax recording machine, which used a large microphone to amplify and record noises and music onto a wax "disc". Later the vinyl disk idea was brought to light, and it took off before eventually being overshadowed by the radio. The vinyl recording system allowed for music to be sold and played wherever, which meant that a live orchestra or a in person musician wasn't needed anymore. This technology revolutionized the music industry and changed how music is spread today.

    The Radio took off in the mid 1900s and is still used today, Information can be transmitted over the radio instantly, allowing for news and important events to be globally witnessed by ear almost instantly as it happens. This also was the start of biased news though, because people could pick who and when they wanted to hear from a news source.

    The internet was created in the late 1900s and rose to modern everyday use thanks to its versatility and the price of tech becoming cheaper and cheaper as time progresses, a chip which was 200 dollars in the early 2000s is now 9 dollars and modern tech is also being produced and sold for a cheaper price up front. The internet is used today to spread news and information in a rapid scale, livestreaming and other streaming services allow for almost instant news or entertainment, From historical events to sports it can all be witnessed live thanks to the internet.

    In summary, Technology has skyrocketed in the past 100 years, and with many new technologies like VR and AI becoming smarter, cheaper and more advanced every day, It is no guess that in the next 100 years the jump will be even further.

What Are Vinyl Records? Everything You Need to Know (whatisvinyl.com)

Radio | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica

Internet | Description, History, Uses, & Facts | Britannica


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