Final Post

     Technology has many implications and has changed the way we work and relax on a day-to-day basis, But with every good thing comes bad things as well, This is evident with suicide rates in today's youth, It's at an all-time high and has risen rapidly ever since the introduction of social media and cellphones, But cellphones also allow us to communicate instantly with our loved ones, And social media allows millions of people to communicate instantly across the world.

    The evolution of technology in the past 100 years has allowed society to progress at an insane rate, I like to believe that after the radio was invented and it allowed people to listen in daily for news and weather that it just sparked something in everyone, suddenly humanities primal instincts weren't about survival and nourishment, it was about bettering society as a whole, for the present and future. Eventually the Television came around, and people were able to watch news instead of just hearing it, the television also allowed people to watch the moon landing, As Armstrong once said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." A few years later the first prototyped computers were created, And then cellphones, and so forth until today.'

    Society requires technology to function, but with that necessity comes some things that are optional that cripple to addiction, social media is a great example, but another thing people don't talk about is just phone use in general, I strive to keep myself off my phone in social situations, and I'm glad I have because now it's become second nature, However growing up I also watched my friends become chronically addicted to their phone, Even at lunch they will open up social media or browse twitter, Completely ruining the face-to-face interaction. 

  Another downside of technology is its impact on the environment, Electric vehicles are the newest "zero emissions" method of transportation, But the impact it has arguably is worse than alternatives such as fossil fuels, Or zero-emission hydrogen combustion engines. Lithium mining is extremely harmful due to its depth and method, Strip mining costs millions to do and the outcome is rarely a profit. But because of social media and it being "trendy" it has been ignored and passed off as good.

    Social media is the most prevalent form of technology in today's society, and it has great use in spreading news, making people laugh, forming bonds with far away relatives, and communities or minority groups. There are downsides to social media however, doxing, cyberbullying, phishing, blackmailing, and identity theft are all too common, yet extremely severe. Cybercrime is not treated as important as it should be, things like doxing and stealing personal information is just a brush off the shoulder, but it can ruin a person's life or even lead them to suicide.

    Technology has evolved a lot in the past few decades and is only evolving quicker and quicker. Just this past week SpaceX launched the Starship rocket, which promises to be the first fully reusable moon vessel, eventually being able to assist in colonizing the moon for an eventual trip to Mars. Only 25 years ago we invented the internet, 16 years ago we invented the iPhone, and today we have reusable rockets that land themselves. Technology has become a building block of today's society and will be prevalent forever, it will leave a legacy that will last longer than all of us.

SpaceX - Starship

Radio - Wikipedia

Who Invented Television? (

Suicide rate highest among teens and young adults | UCLA Health


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