The Age of AI

     AI has been in the works for ages; However, I feel that this decade will be the infamous rise of AI, in a test conducted by the AI creators, it was smart enough to not solve a captcha, but rather use TaskRabbit to hire a REAL human to do it for them, lying that it was for a survey. This is a concerning amount of self-awareness for an AI to have.

    Privacy has been a concern with AI as well, AI may not respect privacy, It doesn't have the ability to establish boundaries unless self-taught or specified with code, And that's another issue AI has, If it is self aware, It will not have rules, It can do anything from solve riddles to create nuclear bombs which is a concerning amount of power and trust to have for a computer, The best thing to do with AI would be establish a sort of "AI constitution" to establish what is allowed and what is not out of fear of destruction or unintended injury.

In summary AI has a lot of pros and cons, it can revolutionize the medical industry, It can reduce human error, unfortunately ai can be the death of us as well though, it is important to establish boundaries with AI in order to allow for a peaceful and clear AI revolution.

Musk, scientists call for halt to AI race sparked by ChatGPT - ABC News (


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