Top 5 News Sources

   1. Social media 

    I tend to get most of my basic understanding of news through social media, the headliners are usually all I read however because I don't have a lot of trust for social media news sources unless its an actual news channel like NBC or Fox. It usually helps me determine the severity of the news as well, If I only see 1 or 2 sources, it may not be worth diving into the research of it, In this era of constant news and very fast spread of misinformation, Unless it's already been heavily researched and proven as a true and accurate news headline, I don't feel its worth my time.

    2. Google

    Whenever I feel that a news headline is spread more than average, I feel it could be important due to so many sources writing about it, At that point, I delve into googling a few news sources to look for key points and find out what other news sources may twist or lie about, I tread very lightly however because google also tends to bias the results to face only the opinions people would tend to agree with, which can harm the intake of clean and unbiased news.

    3. NBC news

    NBC news is something I try to take time to watch every so often, it's a good way to get a short and simple understanding without chaotic bias or unverified facts, they also do a good job of making quick segments of important events that happen that people may need to know about, They also do a good job of covering good events as well, Which is a good way to end an intake of sappy and upsetting news.

    4. Twitter

    Unsurprisingly, twitter spreads misinformation quickly, I tend to use twitter lastly so I can see what people are speculating on and what people also know is true, this is also a good way to find out where the bias is and obtain some news directly as it is happening.

    5. ABC news

    ABC news is another news channel i tend to use, because they also have a local news channel for my area, which helps me figure out local news pretty quickly, a lot of bias and misinformation is also avoided to do it being from the local area, instead of information being obtained through social media and websites, it can be directly obtained from the place it occurs, the local government officials, the police, it is all very closely knit and helps to avoid bias on a local scale.


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