EOTO 2 Presentations Summary

     Net Neutrality is the concept and protection of internet users data, and equal internet access, A lot of companies vow to honor the Net Neutrality, But the main thing that is a worse case outcome is the collection of all data and all information. TikTok had a court case involving this scenario of data collection, yet it is also happening inside the US and on a concerningly greater scale.

    The outcome of Net Neutrality is that it offers protection for people using the internet and also prevents ISPs from docking your internet speed or connection time to websites based on your payment plan, This means that everyone gets equal access to the internet which means it is a great source for alternative media and online journalism, If the net neutrality gets violated it could cause a propaganda style restriction which could make access to first person journalists and online journalism groups way more difficult.

    In short Net Neutrality is essential for basic internet courtesy, when the government can collect all of your data it may also be susceptible to leaks, which could be devastating to not only the government but the victim firsthand, In order to prevent these things from happening we should establish a basic net neutrality law or act that allows for the government to only collect important or needed data instead of everything they can grab, This would allow the government to still gather needed information and also be within the right of privacy as to not invade someone's whole life.

Net neutrality - Wikipedia

What is net neutrality and why is it controversial? (techtarget.com)


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