Rogers Diffusion of Innovations Theory

     Rogers Diffusion of Innovations theory is a way of thinking that explains the "spectrum" of somethings impact or relevance and use over time, such as twitter and it's rise to fame, it started with just simple tweets and eventually caught the eye of Journalists, then big companies eventually joined the hype train until all that was left was the "laggards" that were either against new tech or couldn't adopt it very well.

    In terms of the Internet and WWW, it started off with the government, they saw it as an opportunity to have rapid communication across the globe. When the Internet was showcased and started to be adopted in most households, it's use began to transition from pure purpose into entertainment, research, and the start of computer gaming, eventually when even the laggards jumped on board, it's relevance still rose, this is most likely due to the fact that computers are still evolving and are doing so at a rapid rate. The internet has seen use globally and is more accessible than ever before. 

    There are new technologies that the internet possesses that are making it roll back on the diffusions of innovations spectrum, it seems to stay right below the peak. There are over 1.8 billion websites on the WWW, and that number is constantly growing rapidly, there isn't a surefire way of telling when the internet will reach its peak, the only way that would inevitably happen is if something gave it competition or it was "replaced". 

    Understanding that the internet has grown to where it is only over the span of 30 or so years really outlines the concept of the "peak", The internet has probably peaked more than it has sunk, with every negative there is always 2 positives, or the other way around, the diffusion of innovations theory can be used to identify when the peak has been reached whenever it happens, Although that may never happen, Only time will tell.

Diffusion of innovations - Wikipedia

Diffusion of Innovation Theory (


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