
Final Post

      Technology has many implications and has changed the way we work and relax on a day-to-day basis, But with every good thing comes bad things as well, This is evident with suicide rates in today's youth, It's at an all-time high and has risen rapidly ever since the introduction of social media and cellphones, But cellphones also allow us to communicate instantly with our loved ones, And social media allows millions of people to communicate instantly across the world.     The evolution of technology in the past 100 years has allowed society to progress at an insane rate, I like to believe that after the radio was invented and it allowed people to listen in daily for news and weather that it just sparked something in everyone, suddenly humanities primal instincts weren't about survival and nourishment, it was about bettering society as a whole, for the present and future. Eventually the Television came around, and people were able to watch news instead of just hearing it

EOTO 2 Presentations Summary

      Net Neutrality is the concept and protection of internet users data, and equal internet access, A lot of companies vow to honor the Net Neutrality, But the main thing that is a worse case outcome is the collection of all data and all information. TikTok had a court case involving this scenario of data collection, yet it is also happening inside the US and on a concerningly greater scale.     The outcome of Net Neutrality is that it offers protection for people using the internet and also prevents ISPs from docking your internet speed or connection time to websites based on your payment plan, This means that everyone gets equal access to the internet which means it is a great source for alternative media and online journalism, If the net neutrality gets violated it could cause a propaganda style restriction which could make access to first person journalists and online journalism groups way more difficult.     In short Net Neutrality is essential for basic internet courtesy, when

Rogers Diffusion of Innovations Theory

      Rogers Diffusion of Innovations theory is a way of thinking that explains the "spectrum" of somethings impact or relevance and use over time, such as twitter and it's rise to fame, it started with just simple tweets and eventually caught the eye of Journalists, then big companies eventually joined the hype train until all that was left was the "laggards" that were either against new tech or couldn't adopt it very well.     In terms of the Internet and WWW, it started off with the government, they saw it as an opportunity to have rapid communication across the  globe. When the Internet was showcased and started to be adopted in most households, it's use began to transition from pure purpose into entertainment, research, and the start of computer gaming, eventually when even the laggards jumped on board, it's relevance still rose, this is most likely due to the fact that computers are still evolving and are doing so at a rapid rate. The internet


      Propaganda has been around for ages and has been used in many different ways to do everything from influence a war to change the public eye in fear of foreign countries, or in most cases take pride and support the nation in one way or another, War bonds, Antisemitism, Pro-war views, Genocide, You name it there is propaganda for it.      Most notably some of the most known uses of propaganda was in Nazi Germany, The Soviet Union, The invasion of Iraq, and the Castro era of Cuba. Propaganda consists of using information whether true or false to influence the public, It's almost like political advertising but on steroids, It usually involves a message conveyed using art of a family or the average citizen, and tries to fit into the citizens shoes, In doing this it gains a sort of loose "trust" of the citizen, This is usually the technique used in war bond propaganda, Which involves the citizen paying a sum that will rise over time, The sum of money will be used to fund

EOTO Summary

      In this EOTO, we discussed different communicative inventions used today in society, most common being the radio, The internet, and vinyl. A lot of these communicative inventions helped shape how society is able to spread news, entertain, and inform in a much more quick and brisk  fashion.     The vinyl recording technology started off with Thomas Edisons wax recording machine, which used a large microphone to amplify and record noises and music onto a wax "disc". Later the vinyl disk idea was brought to light, and it took off before eventually being overshadowed by the radio. The vinyl recording system allowed for music to be sold and played wherever, which meant that a live orchestra or a in person musician wasn't needed anymore. This technology revolutionized the music industry and changed how music is spread today.     The Radio took off in the mid 1900s and is still used today, Information can be transmitted over the radio instantly, allowing for news and impor

The Age of AI

      AI has been in the works for ages; However, I feel that this decade will be the infamous rise of AI, in a test conducted by the AI creators, it was smart enough to not solve a captcha, but rather use TaskRabbit to hire a REAL human to do it for them, lying that it was for a survey. This is a concerning amount of self-awareness for an AI to have.      Privacy has been a concern with AI as well, AI may not respect privacy, It doesn't have the ability to establish boundaries unless self-taught or specified with code, And that's another issue AI has, If it is self aware, It will not have rules, It can do anything from solve riddles to create nuclear bombs which is a concerning amount of power and trust to have for a computer, The best thing to do with AI would be establish a sort of "AI constitution" to establish what is allowed and what is not out of fear of destruction or unintended injury. In summary AI has a lot of pros and cons, it can revolutionize the medical

Antiwar Suppression

    Antiwar voices have been suppressed since the early 1900s and a lot can be taken from that era to understand how antiwar voices still get suppressed today. War helps the economy boom in terms of jobs and weapon manufacturing and so it is no Suprise that the government would want to promote joining war efforts.      Back when the United States initiated the Gulf War, many people were against the war, Including foreign countries. Many people protested and held speeches, however many of them were suppressed. The gulf war inevitably started which led to thousands of civilian casualties and the beginning of the uprising of Iraqi government uprisings, eventually leading to the US invasion of Iraq shortly after 9/11 occurred.      Currently, The US has contributed many weapons and vehicle caches to Ukraine, despite the mass anti-war protest, hundreds of thousands of casualties have been discovered so far and if the US continues to contribute to the war, it will not stop rising any time so